Tuesday, April 17, 2012

PDC Spring Show Order

Concert Starts at 7:00 pm

1. The Space Between (Caine)
2. Children's Clinic (Tuesday) / Timberline (Wednesday)
3. Beth's New
4. I Dare You (Ashley)

5. Caleb ?
6. Puppet
7. Rose

Intermission (with slide show)

8. Accumulation / Deccumulation (Improvisation)
9. UVU?
10. Dance 3
11. Nyah's New
12. Boys?
13. Dollhouse
14. Dance 2

15. Compulsion (Akaysha)
16. NHSDA (Tuesday) / Silent Auction (Wednesday)
17. Senior Dance

Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Dance Concert!

as you all head off to forget school on your Spring Break :)

Lp PDC Spring Concert is
Tuesday and Wednesday April 24th and 25th 2012.  
This is mandatory for Dance 2, Dance 3, and PDC. 

Dress Rehearsal is Monday April 23rd after school
Concert starts at 7:00pm
$5, $4 Students, $20 Families (up to 6), 4 and under are free

Please do not miss any class periods prior to the concert as valuable choreography and cleaning work is being done.  Thank You.

A more detailed concert schedule will be coming out soon.