Performing Dance Company

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Performing Dance Company
Disclosure Document/ Contract

Instructor:            Mrs. Krista Di Lello
Office:                  109 (in dance studio)
Phone:                  (801) 717-4568, extension 109
PDC Time:            B4, Tuesday/Thursday 2:30-5:00pm, Friday mornings 6:15-7:15am / Mondays 1:30-2:30pm
Website:        PDC Website:

Course Outlines
Performing Dance Company Description:
Dance Company is a performance class and it is similar to an AP class in dance. It is designed to help students become better dancers, performers, and choreographers through the medium of Modern Dance. This class is not an after-school elective, but is part of the State and National Core Curriculum for dance education.  PDC performs in concerts and assemblies, and also tours nationally. The learning emphasis will be placed on the artistic nature of dance. We do not just rehearse "routines"; rather, the student will learn to create using elements of art in movement.  This class is the next step in preparing students for placement on college or other dance companies.

-Completion or Current Enrollment in Dance 3

Core Curriculum Objectives:
1.  Students will demonstrate technical proficiency and knowledge of the body.
2.  Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the elements of dance.
3.  Students will understand choreographic principles, processes, and structures.
4.  Students will gain an understanding of dance as a means to create and communicate meaning.

Year’s Objectives:
A.            Students will choreograph student works which will be showcased in assemblies and concerts. 
B.            Students will perform at various functions, including but not limited to the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City, UT, the “Reflections” contest, the Utah Dance Education Organization’s State High School Dance Festival, and a larger trip (tour) in the spring. 
C.            Students will also develop co-ordination, aesthetics, agility, character, professionalism, good citizenship, leadership, integrity, teamwork, discipline and sportsmanship.
Grading and Requirements
Participation                                         65 %
Assignments/Quizzes/Papers, etc.       30 %
Final                                                     5   % Total                                                                                                                                                  100 %

Daily Participation Point Deductions:
-25                      Absent
-5                        Not dressed, chewing gum, hair not back
-5                        Tardy or leaving early
-1-10                   Lack of participation, bad attitude, disrespect for rules, etc.  

Participation  ~ 25 points per day                                                                                                                                                                     
Attendance                                                                                                                                          This is a performance class. Attendance is critical. If you are not present, you do not receive points for being there.  Classes, rehearsals, performances, meetings, and fundraisers are not to be missed.  Performing Dance Company should be a student’s priority, in addition to maintaining ones other academic responsibilities (do not plan work, doctor appointments, dates, etc. during any PDC time).  PDC mandatory practices take precedence over one’s dance studio or other affiliations.  Extra practices may be called at any time due to such things as poor of work ethic or upcoming events.  If the time and company commitments cannot be made, it may be best that another class is chosen.

Materials taught and assignments given must be learned and completed on time.  It is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s to find out what was missed.  School Excused Absences must be handed in and approved of the teacher before the date of departure.  All work, assignments, and notes missed will have to be made up.  For extreme cases of sickness and other emergencies, the teacher must have a valid note before hand.  Only participation points may be made up for pre-approved excused absences.  Make-up work is available upon request for severe circumstances.
Being absent is unacceptable for a performing company.  No member of PDC shall have an unexcused absence to PDC or to any PDC practice.  All absences will receive no participation credit, including parent excused absences.  The only exception is if it is a “School Excused” absence.   There is no make up permitted for unexcused absences.  Only 3 excused absences can be made up per semester, including after school excused absences.

A.            If absent, excused or unexcused, No participation points will be given.
B.            A student is considered absent if he/she is more than 15 minutes late.
            C.            School-excused absences will be given full participation points at the end of the term.
D.            After 1 unexcused absences, where the instructor was not informed prior, the student may be pulled from his/her current dance.
E.            Any one-absence two weeks prior to any performance will result in removal from that performance.  Understudies may have the opportunity to challenge for that spot.  The Instructor will make the final decision of whether or not she will be pulled from the current dance or the next dance.  *Excluding death in the family. *
F.            The following constitutes an excused absence: death in the family, wedding, illness with a doctor’s excuse and a call the Instructor only, and extreme emergencies.  The Instructor must approve absences for other reasons.
G.            Anyone absent from a practice MUST make a personal phone call directly to the Instructor prior to the practice.  Messages sent with other members of the company will not be recognized and will be unexcused.
H.            If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to master and make up what they missed, on their own time.
I.            3 Unexcused absences = automatic dismissal from PDC.  This includes all meetings, practices, class periods, rehearsals, etc.  If sick, still come and take notes.  Unless deathly ill, do not miss.  If an emergency, you must contact the teacher personally if you cannot come.

Being tardy is unacceptable.  Participation points will be deducted for all tardies, unexcused or not.  This includes all and any extra or after school practices.  The only exception is if it is a “School Excused” tardy.
There is no make up work permitted for unexcused absence.  Only 3 excused tardies can be made up per semester, including after school excused absences.  Students will also be marked tardy if they have to leave early from any practice.  They will also be loosing participation points.

            A.            Students have 5 minutes after roll call/announcements to change and be in class.
B.            A student is considered tardy after the Instructor or Secretary has taken roll. 
C.            Students will loose 5 participation points for being tardy or leaving early. 
D.            It is highly encouraged for students to arrive early so they have time to get ready, review past material, and warm-up.  “On time” refers to being dressed, warm and no eating of food.
E.            If a student is tardy for anything, it is her responsibility to come and tell the teacher and/or the secretary that she is here and tardy.  Once roll has been taken, the class starts, and there is no guarantee that late students will be marked present unless notified, and may be considered absent.
F.            If a student is more than 15 minutes late, he/she will be counted as absent and receive corresponding points.  Tardies are also given on trips if a student is not where they are supposed to be at a certain time.  This is important, especially when outside of the school and when boarding the bus.  The teacher must know where all students are at all times.

After School Practice Tardies:
These are not counted as part of the LPHS attendance policy and can not be made up through attendance school.  If an excused tardy is given for practices out of regular school time, the points will still need to be made up.  Full pointes will not be awarded for being late, no matter what the reason.

Tardy RUN:
-In addition to loosing participation points, students who are late will have to run immediately after practice.  Practices include all teacher directed practices inside and outside of school time.
-Students who are late must run immediately after practice regardless of weather, work, shoes, etc.
-For every 5 minutes a student is late, she has to run 2 laps around the track.

-Student Choreography                                                                                                                                    All students will be required to present short ideas of choreography, which will be voted upon for placement in the up-coming concert.  Student choreographers will have rehearsals outside of class time.  The student choreographers will choose a rehearsal time, will audition the PDC students for their piece, and then choose their dancers.  We will keep track of the number of dances each dancer is in; making sure no one gets left out, even if the student choreographer may not prefer to have that particular dancer. 

Student Choreography Rehearsals: Attendance:
All choreographers will take attendance and will be marking participation.  If a student is late or misses a rehearsal for a dance, including all out of class practices, they will be deducted points.  The attendance for these rehearsals are not counted under regular attendance in Skyward, but are deducted from the particular dance’s Participation.  These are not counted as part of the LPHS attendance policy and can not be made up through attendance school.  If an excused absence is given for practices out of regular school time, the points will still need to be made up.  No points will be awarded for not attending, no matter what the reason.  Choreographers will be deducted Participation points if they do not show up for their own scheduled rehearsal time.

If, for a good reason, a student cannot make a rehearsal, she must contact the choreographer before hand.  The choreographer can then excuse the absence if she feels it is appropriate.  Remember, do not sign-up for, or audition for dances whose rehearsals you cannot make.

Choreographers may schedule extra rehearsals if there are problems.  The major reason for extra rehearsals to be called would be because of poor work ethic during rehearsal time

-Performance Week
Students cannot miss practice during the week of any performance.  They will be taken out of a dance or that piece may be pulled from the concert.  If a piece is not cleaned or ready, it will also be pulled from the concert. 

Get work off NOW!  Concert week is stressful, everyone is up late and everyone has homework to do, that is the way it goes.  All students must stay to “strike” at the end of the concert and stay until everyone is done.  No leaving early.

All attendance and tardy rules are still in effect during this time. 

Assignments, Quizzes, Papers, etc.:
A.            The Instructor may assign any assignment(s) at any given time.
B.            All students must attend one college level or professional concert (that they are not in) each semester.  

Make-Up Work:
A.            Very little make-up work will be permitted because of the importance of being in class.
B.            Assignments and approved absences can be make-up no longer than 5 school days after the date missed.
C.              10% will be deducted for late work per week.
D.            Students must pre-approve their eligibility for make-up work with the Instructor.
Class Rules and Procedures                                                                                                                                        1.  Show Respect for the teacher, the studio, your peers and yourself.                                                                                      -----No: gum, food/drinks, shoes, swearing, put-downs, defacing another’s property, etc.                                                        2.  Be Ready to dance by being early, dressed and leaving everything else in the locker room.                                                 -----Lock it or Loose it!  “Hang up” your problems.  Warm-up your body.                                                                                                                                                    3.   Wait until the teacher has dismissed you.  You have 8 minutes before the end of class to change.                    -----Do not go into the halls before the bell rings.                                                                                                                         4.  Find Joy in learning, do your best and never ever give up!                                                                                                                -----This will be a great year!
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students needing special accommodation may contact the instructor for alternative arrangements.
Dress Code
Dancers must wear clothes that are movable (stretchy) and somewhat form fitting (not baggy), to allow for movement and to ensure proper body alignment.  Shoes and socks are not to be worn.  Pants must be off the floor or show the ankle bone (to prevent slipping and injuries).  All females must wear sports bra or hidden bra under her clothing.  Females are encouraged to wear a leotard under their clothing.  No low front/back attire is allowed.  They all must have a nude leotard to wear under their costumes for modesty.  Spandex shorts must be longer than shorter, or have tights worn under.  Males should wear sweats, shorts or athletic pant in which they can freely move, athletic compression shorts worn underneath is recommended.  Dance class is not a fashion show, and hence clothing must not distract or hinder ones performance when in class.  No jewelry.
Behavior                                                                                                                                                          Dance Company members are ambassadors of LPHS, and exemplary behavior is expected. Participation in drinking, alcohol, drugs, smoking, misconduct, dishonesty, and cheating will result in immediate dismissal from PDC.  Students are to be good citizens and members of the company.  Gossiping, swearing, backbiting, disrespect, demanding and rude behavior or talk, not trying, not caring, not keeping up with grades and not keeping up with PDC attendance and rules will not be tolerated.  Points will be lost, warnings given, or dismissal from team may be required.  There is no place on this company for those that will not try or abide by our rules, it affects those that do try and want to have a valuable experience.

Fees                                                                                                                                                                  You were charged for a towel and lock fee at registration. A lost lock is $5.00. The $250 fee helps pay for costumes, concerts, music, guest artists, bus expenses, and choreography. A participation fee was also charged at registration.
Extra Charges
Extra expenses, all of which are not mandatory include but are not limited to: team sweats, bags, trips, personal hair and make-up needs, etc.  Late fees are charged at $5 a week.  If money is not paid in full by the appointed deadlines, the item or trip may not be available to the student.  Students will also be charged if they loose or damage a costume that has been checked out to them.

Dance Disclaimer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Because of the physical nature of the discipline, some appropriate tactile corrections may be made by the Instructor to better facilitate understanding of dance concepts and alignment.   
Questions or Comments?                                                                                                                        
 I am willing to give the best educational experience that I can to my students.  I am open to comments and suggestions at any time. Any concerns about this class should be directed to me.  The best way to reach me, Mrs. Di Lello, is via email:  Cell phone is for emergencies only!

Note from Instructor:
            I am so excited to work with you!  I love to dance and I love to teach it.  I hope that we will
have a wonderful time this next year by enhancing our talents, building friendships, and strengthening our team.  This company is determined by who is on it and will be what you make it.  I plan on working hard and having fun and I hope you will do the same,

Krista Di Lello


Company Membership/Performance Protocol

1)  Membership:
A.            Being selected as a company member does not guarantee a performance spot.  Members must earn their right to perform by demonstrating the following:
1.              Consistently display good attitudes.
2.              Will get along with other company members.
3.              Put forth their best effort in class, be attentive, respectful, and work hard.
4.              Good attendance and punctuality.
5.              Attend a technique throughout the school year.
6.              Attend the mandatory summer dance camp (1 week, all day).
7.              Be willing and ready to meet at any given rehearsal time
8.              Fulfill any leadership positions to the fullest (President, Secretary, Social, etc.)
9.              Prepared - meet all deadlines.
10.           Participate and contribute in all full company fundraisers and company activities.
11.           Demonstrate all dance and performance skills required of a dance.
12.           Follow all rules outline in the disclosure and contract.
B.             A team member must always wear appropriate dance wear as stated in the Disclosure.
C.             Jobs MUST NOT INTERFERE or take priority over mandatory practices and performances.  Missing a practice for work will be considered an unexcused absence.
D.            Students must re-audition each year for PDC.  Besides skill and talent, previous members will judged based on attitude, commitment, attendance and professionalism.
E.             Members cannot quit PDC in the middle of the year or before a concert or performance.  There is no refund for dues or fundraising money if a member quits or gets kicked out.  Members sign this contract with the promise to remain on PDC through the end of the year.

2)  Selection of Performers:
A.            Members may be required to tryout for each performing dance.
B.             The Instructor and choreographers will judge tryouts or choose dancers for each dance.  Performers will be selected based on knowledge of dance, performance, showmanship, overall attitude, and abiding by the constitution.
C.             After a tryout, the members who were selected for the dance will always perform in this routine, unless a performer becomes injured, ill or break the rules on the constitution.  At that time all understudies may challenge to fill this position.  To challenge into a routine all interest understudies will perform this dance for the choreographer and the Advisor.
D.            Members may also be specifically requested to be in specific pieces as deemed by the Instructor or Choreographer, without having the whole company audition.
E.             If a selected member cannot make the practice times for a particular piece, that person will be removed from the piece and another will be put in their place.

3)  Illness and Substituting Understudies:
A.            When a member is unable to perform because of an illness or they have not abided by the rules of the constitution, an understudy may be put in their place.
See Absences and Tardies
B.             If a member cannot dance because of an injury, an understudy may take their place until they are able to compete with the understudy to regain the position.  If the member is injured two (2) weeks before the next performance, the understudy will remain in their place until after the performance.
C.             In order to take the place of an injured or ill member, all understudies must challenge for that particular spot.
D.            The instructor will have the authority to select an understudy to take the place of a member, if that member has not been dancing to the best of her ability.
E.             All members are required to learn all dances in PDC rehearsal time.
F.             If you are an understudy, you must attend all rehearsals unless otherwise stated by the choreographer.  Being an understudy does not guarantee a change to perform, but it does show commitment and dedication.  Being a good understudy means more opportunities.  

4)  Concert Requirements and Procedures:
A.            All members are required to help out in advertising and organizing PDC’s Concerts.
B.             Member will be at all practices for the two weeks prior to concert. NO EXCEPTIONS!  Practice time may go from 2:30-10:00 p.m. or later on any given night.  A specific calendar will be handed out to the members prior to those two weeks.
C.             Each company member will be required to sell at least 10 tickets for the concert.  The company member will have to make up the difference for the tickets not sold.
D.            All students must stay for any company work such as set up and strike.   Strike requires all students and may go late, depending on cooperation.
E.             Extra practices called for a dance if it is to be performing in a concert, assembly, festival, competition, etc.

5)  Performance Requirements:
A.            Performance attendance is mandatory for all performances and all members.
*** Please be aware that there may be other possible performances that will come up during the year.  The Instructor will try to give at least a two-week notice before each performance.
B.             It is required that each member be to all performances ONE HOUR in advance.
C.             Appropriate make up and hair should be done before getting to a performance along with wearing the specified uniform. 
D.            The full 1-2 weeks before each concert will require everyday technical rehearsals after school, and will also involve Saturdays.  There may also be early morning rehearsals that same week.
E.             If extreme extenuating circumstances occur where the member cannot attend a performance, the member will have to discuss it with the Instructor NO LATER than two weeks prior to the performance.  If this notice is not given, the Instructor is not obligated to comply with their request and the member may be taken out of the dance permanently.

6)  Expulsion from Team / Termination of Contract:
     Membership may be lost for the following reasons:
1.              Disregarding company, school, or state policies or laws. 
2.              Accumulation of 15 Demerit Points (see Demerit Point System)
3.              Non participation.
4.              Failure to maintain a 2.8 grade point average each term.
5.              Endangering the reputation of Lone Peak’s Performing Dance Company by behavior conduct such as:
a.              Smoking, drinking of beer, wine or any other alcoholic beverage
b.              Use of drugs (unless prescribed by a doctor)
c.              Pregnancy
d.              Bad conduct deemed by the Instructor or team
e.              Disruptive influence, swearing, lewd behavior or talk
f.               Being disrespectful to Instructor, other team members or self
g.              Continual lack of participation or effort and poor attitude
h.              Continual lack of fulfilling responsibilities

A.            Upon termination of membership due to any reason listed above or deemed appropriate by the Instructor, there will be no refund of membership fees or money obtained by participation in fundraising events- no exceptions!

7)  Warnings/Probation: The Point System
A.   The Demerit Point System is to ensure attendance, attitude, commitment, etc required by a     
      performing team.
B.    After 6 points a Verbal Warning will be given.  After 12 points a Written Warning will be       given.  After 15 points = automatic dismissal from Company.  Possible renewal of points at       the start of second semester.
C.    Points can be given for the following reason:
1.              Tardies to practice/performance or PDC functions
2.              Absence from practice or performance
3.              Inappropriate practice/performance attire
4.              Being disrespectful
5.              Payments not on time
6.              Lack of participation in fund raisers or team events
7.              Bad attitude (negative comments, leaving without asking, etc.)
D.   The Instructor may or may not require a meeting with the student or his/her parent before removal from team.  Immediate dismissal from team may occur any time without prior warning, depending upon the nature of the problem.

8)  Student Choreography:           
·      If a dance is not completed or up to quality by the specified deadlines (showings), it will be cut from a concert or performance.
·      Student Choreographers are responsible for taking attendance roll for his/her own dance as well as deducting participation points for tardies, attitude, etc.
·      Student Choreographers are required to come to his/her practices prepared with material to teach
·      Student Choreographers have the right to remove a dancer from his/her piece if there is consistent bad attitude or absences, upon approval from the Director.
·      Student Choreographers are to treat his/her dancers with respect.
·      Dancers are to remember, practice, perfect, and learn any missed choreography on his/her own time.
·      Dancers are to listen to the student choreographer and treat him/her with respect.

9)  Other Required Materials:
-Dance Binder and pen/pencil
-Nude leotard / nudie, and appropriate dance underclothing
-Dance clothes and hair elastics for class
-Black leotard and dance tights
-Possible dance shoes depending on choreography (hip hop, tap, ballet, jazz, socks, etc.)
-Stage make-up: purple eye-shadow, false eyelashes, black eye-liner, maroon lipstick/liner, blush
-Hair products: bobby pins, GEL, hairspray, clips, elastics, hairnet
-Dancer’s First Aid Kit: band-aids, medicine, toe tape, nail clippers, feminine products, nail polish remover, ace bandage

You are always auditioning!  It is a privilege to be on PDC, not a right.

If you agree to abide by all of these rules, please sign the attached page.  This must be signed in order to audition to be a member of Lp.  Keep the above pages for future reference.


LPHS Performing Dance Company Disclosure Document
& Company Membership/Performance Protocol

(Must be submitted with all other papers before the audition in order to be eligible)

I have read and I understand LPHS PDC Disclosure Document and Company Membership/Protocol.    I agree to abide by these rules and understand the natural consequence of not obeying these rules would be dismissal from the company.  I understand that the instructor has the right to alter the disclosure document with the completion of an addendum. 

I give permission for Mrs. Di Lello’s aid and/or secretary to help correct and record tests, as well as having tests, quizzes and assignments corrected and graded in class through exchange of papers.  I will be honest in self and peer evaluations.

I commit and promise my membership on PDC this entire year.  I understand that I cannot quit PDC in the middle of a semester/year, and if by chance I do leave or am removed from the company, there are no refund of team dues or fundraiser money earned.  I will keep my word as to signing and agreeing to this contract.

I understand and will commit to all possible time and financial obligations that participation in PDC may require.  I assume full responsibility for all fees, dues, and uniform payments to PDC.  In the event that I am dismissed from PDC, I am still responsible for any past bills.

________________________________________                        ________________________
Student/Member            (sign)                                                            Date

Student/Member            (print)

________________________________________                        ________________________
Parent                                    (sign)                                                            Date
Parent                                    (print)

Be sure to fill out all of the Application Forms J