Friday, May 24, 2013

End of Year- Dance 1

We had a great year with so many fun and memorable experiences!
Here are some end of year images.

I'll be attaching you movement choreography finals soon :)

Maddie's Video

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dance 3 Reminders:

Dance 3:

Dance 3 Practice Test is here:
At the bottom of the page in the left column you will see the "Dance 3 Practice Final"

don't forget to do the concert self-evaluation:

Energy/Physics Paper (2 pages)

Written Final (1 page about what you learned or important concept)  - plus the online practice test

Concert Report



Wednesday, May 15, 2013

End of Year Stuff!

The End of the Year is Wrapping Up! Remember: Even though we had to turn in locks, we will still be dressing and dancing/working out!!! 

For the Dance Classes, here is the Concert Performance Self-Assessment link you need to fill out as a part of your grade. Be sure to write your name on it and submit it!

Here is a calendar for our classes with the end of the semester coming up.
Remember the Following that may be due for your class:  journals, written final, dancing final, concert self-assessment, pro concert report, make-up work, etc.