Saturday, September 24, 2011

Social Dance Video and Self Assessment - Triple Swing

My school mac won't let me upload videos from the video camera!!!  Now is the time to problem solve and roll with the punches!

So, we will watch the video in the dance room together first thing Monday B1 on the TV.  Bring your notebook and pencil/pen.  Just have your online personal assessment completed before we test on Wednesday.

~Mrs. D

Previous post, that still has directions to do online assessment test:

Ok dancers of social dance,
Here is the deal: watch the video of yourself dancing, do the personal self-assessment, get POINTS! A simple way towards a great grade in this class :)

Go to:

Go to your class folder on left: "Social Dance"

Go to folder: "Tests and Videos"

Go to: "Videos" and type in our class password (right now it is temporarily: swing)
Watch your video

Go to: "SD Video Personal Assessment"
Sign in (find your district, school, teacher, period, name)
Fill out Personal Assessment and "Submit"

Reminder:  You will get FULL points for filling out the personal assessment and being honest on your rating of yourself, not on the score you give yourself!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Upcoming Tests...

B1: Social Dance:  Video record dancing with your partner Thursday September 22 in class.  You will need to watch your video on my ucutips page with our secret class password and fill out a self-evaluation on ucutips as well.  Monday will be a practice day after having seen your video, and you will be tested on Wednesday.

B2: Dance 1:  We will be finishing our name letter combination in class this week.  Coming up next week we will be having a written test on "body" and "motion" as well as being video-recorded before you actually get tested on your practical skill.  I will video you on Wednesday or Friday next week. 
You will be tested the following week after you have viewed your video on ucutips and completed the online self-assessment.  Remember to keep your journals up to date, as those will be graded and turned in periodically.

Some of our movement skill tests will include: plies/jumps, tendues/degages/grande battemants, across the floor locomotor movements,  improvisation on axial/locomotor movements and body part isolations/initiations, as well as our name combination.

B3: Dance 3:

B4: Performing Dance Company:  We have been working hard on our Shakespeare dances (both being student-choreographed and collaborated on... good job, since some other schools are actually paying to have professionals choreograph their dances, what a great opportunity for you!!!)  2 weeks!

We have also simultaneously been working on the Homecoming Halftime which is this Friday!

Therefore, as soon as Shakespeare is over, we will be having a mandatory big graded assignment for all PDC dancers:  "Proposals".  All dancers will propose a researched and studied topic for a piece of choreography they would like to choreograph.  When proposing, dancers can state how much they would like to choreograph the piece they are presenting for real, but not all will have the opportunity to put their proposal into fruition for this first concert.  Dancers will be graded upon their professionalism in doing the presentation, research put into the subject, 1 minute of choreography to show, creativity and originality, and clear vision of where and how the dance will progress.  Our first concert theme is "Myths and Legends", so all the proposals must be based along those lines.

Make Up Work


It's been a whirlwind starting off school.  I hope everyone is doing well and keeping up with homework and attendance.

If not, please be sure to review the school's attendance policy and your class disclosure document in regards to absences and make up work.  Remember to complete make up work withing 2 weeks of your parent-excused absence.  Attendance school does not make up your participation points for your absence.

Make up work options can be found in the "MORE" page tab by clicking on the Make Up Work link for dance Printed "Dance Make Up Options" can be found in the dance room for you to take.  They are in the black turning paper holder on the journal shelf.

ABSENT or TARDY?  Please check in with Mrs. Di Lello if you come in late or after Mrs. Di Lello has taken roll to let her know you came in, as class may have already started.  It is your responsibility to make sure your absence is changed to a tardy by the teacher if you came in late.

Keep up your good work.
Be sure to contact me or speak with me if you have problems with your grade or attendance before it gets too late.

~Mrs. D