Thursday, January 19, 2012

Field Trip: "Joe Goode" Jan 25th

LPHS Dance Class Field Trip:
“Joe Goode” Matinee Performance
Friday FEBRUARY 24th 10:00am 2012 at Kingsbury Hall in SLC

This Performance:
Junior high and high school students are invited to attend Joe Goode’s student matinee performance.

“[Goode’s work] does everything good art is supposed to do – touch viewers’ souls and minds – and make them want more.” -San Francisco Examiner

Joe Goode has created a genre of dance theater that combines text, gestures, and humor with his own deeply physical, high velocity dancing. With an emphasis on understanding, compassion and tolerance among people through the innovative use of dance and theater, each Joe Goode performance will not just entertain but also provoke and inspire.
For more information go to

Graded Assignment: Concert Critique (50 points)
It is a required graded assignment for students in Dance 1, 2, 3 and PDC to attend one university or professional level modern dance concert a semester and write a critique on it.  There are only a couple approved performances available, do not leave it until the last minute at the end of the semester!  This concert performance is approved to count towards the concert report assignment.

Through attending and viewing artistic concert dance, students are able to see professional dancers and professional choreography, thus enhancing their perception, understanding, and appreciation of dance.   Students see new possibilities for dance and what to aspire to when dancing, performing, and choreographing themselves.  There is so much that can be learned through watching.

Cost: $3
These professional concerts usually range from $20-$50 and we, as a school, have the great opportunity to see such companies at a reduced, or even free rate!  There is a minimal transportation charge for the bus at only $3. 

Schedule:  Students are “School Excused” from B1 (at 8:40am), B2 & B3
8:40 am                                    -Meet at front of school to load bus
10:00-11:00 am                        -Performance
approx 11:15-11:30 am             -Leave Kingsbury Hall in SLC (eat your lunch on the bus)
approx 12:00-12:30 pm            -Arrive back at Lp, go directly to your B4 class           

To Attend:
Please come with us to see the performance dressed nice.  Students must travel with us on the bus to and from the concert.   Bring your lunch to eat on the bus on the way home.  Bring pen/pencil and paper. All school rules apply.  

Mrs. Di Lello MUST have the payment receipt and attached permission slip signed by a parent/guardian in order to reserve your seat at this performance, as seating is limited.   Please pay money to Lone Peak High School, re: PDC Workshops / Fieldtrips account.   Due: Tuesday Jan 24th 2011

Hope to have you join us!

Mrs. Di Lello


LPHS Dance Class Field Trip:
“Joe Goode” Matinee Performance
Friday FEBRUARY 24th  at Kingsbury Hall in SLC

I, _____________________________(Parent/Guardian Name), give permission for my son / daughter to travel on the bus and attend this dance concert performance.  I understand that he/she must abide by LPHS rules at all times, or may be sent home at parent’s expense.  I will pay all money due on time.

_______________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)                                                       c I wish to chaperone

____________________________           ______________            _________
Student’s Name                                         Class                                       Period

Emergency Contact / Phone Numbers:


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Interested in going to UVU for Dance?

Every year there are several UV You Days which are open to all students, parents, faculty, and counselors.  During this event students receive essential information about their college major, and meet their future dean, professors, and advisors.  UV You Days are free Saturday events and students will receive  breakfast and lunch.   The Dance and Music UV You Day will be held on Saturday, January 21st, 2011.  I encourage you to invite your students to attend this event. 

            Along with other prizes, a $200 bookstore scholarship will be given away at every event!  Also, if your student wears their FREE UVU t-shirt they can enter to win an ipad!  To order their t-shirt and have it mailed to them before the event direct your students to  There they will find a scrolling advertisement for this t-shirt.

            To register for this event your student can visit

Sunday, January 8, 2012

End of Term 2

Good Job to the dancers that participated and performed in the Performing Dance Company's Winter Concert!  If you ordered and paid for a dvd, bring your receipt to Mrs. Di Lello to pick up your dvd.

Dance 1, Dance 2, and PDC, there is an extra credit option for you if you complete and submit (or print and turn in) the "Fine Arts Performance Personal Assessment" quiz on UTIPS.

Dance 2 will be offered as UVU Concurrent Enrollment next semester!

Tuesday January 10th
-Make Up Work Due
-Ballroom Concert/Competition Report Due (2 pages double spaced)
-Review for Final
-Make Up Work Due
-Concert Report Due
-Work on Group Compositions for Final

-Make Up Work Due
-Concert Report Due
-Work on Group History Presentations and Choreography

Thursday January 12th
-Written Final and Dancing
-Journals Due
-Final: Written and Dance Compositions
-Journals Due
-Modern Dance History Presentations with Choreography